We have introduced a set of user features for administrators to allow more control over who accesses certain features and who does not.
So, what are these new features? If you go to ‘Config’ then ‘Admin Users’ and click on one of your users, you should now see their details with the first option being ‘Access Level’ and a drop-down box. In that drop-down box you have access to four different levels of access this being: Admin, Setup, General and Redeem Only.
How do these access levels differ and how do they help me? The different levels allow for differing levels of power on Merlin Online and in this article, I will be breaking down each of these levels to show you their use case.
Firstly, we’ll start with Admin user: When you register and create a website on Merlin Tickets, the email coinciding with the website you created will be registered as an admin on Merlin Online. This level of access gives you full permission to all the features available to Merlin Online, with the ability to configure and add more users to your website. The admin users are the only users to have access to the ‘Config’ menu in Merlin Online. This level of access is likely reserved operating/managing roles.
Secondly, this is the Setup user: The setup user has almost the same permissions as the admin except it does not have access to the ‘Config’ menu. This means the setup user can create, publish and configure events. They also have access to reports, orders and the customers menus. This level of access is most likely given to a member of staff that creates/manages the events.
General User:
Third is the General User: The general user does not have access to the 'Products/Vouchers' option, the 'Admissions' option, the 'Event Categories' option and the 'Config' option but they do have access to the rest of the options. This user would most likely suit a member of staff that only needs access to the sales report, orders and customer options such as accountants or finance managers.
Redeem-only User:
Lastly, this is the Redeem-only user: The redeem only user only has access to the dashboard and the ‘redeem tickets’ menu, this level of access is most likely given to staff that are front desk or cashiers.