
Ticket Quantity box settings

Lets look on how to -
1. Change the amount of tickets which can be booked in one go. (Remember they can add more by reselecting the event)
2. What style you would like your ticket quantity box to be.


Do not be SCARED to try to change these settings. You cannot break anything! The best way to learn is have a play and see how the front-end changes.


Amount of tickets:

Using your online admin left-hand menu, select the Config tab, then the Change Theme tab.



This will open up the Theme Setting window, where you will find most of the settings to change the style of your ticketing site.

Next select the Product Settings Tab



With the setting now showing the first one to look at is the -

Maximum number of tickets added to the basket at once

As you can see I have this set at 15 (remember this is GLOBAL and across all events.)


Whenever a customer clicks into the ticket quantity box on the website they have a choice to choose up to a maximum of 15 tickets to add to the basket. Remember they can revisit the event and add more if they choose to. It is NOT a limit number.


Lets see how to change the style of the ticket quantity box. You have a choice between two styles. 

The drop-down box where the customer can select the number of tickets.


Or the number input style, where the customer can type the number of tickets required. 

Using this style if they tried to type a number over the set max number, then it would fail and not add anything to the basket. So enforcing the previous rule of 15 max add.


Lastly, remember to hit the SAVE button so the settings are added. The save button is at the button of all settings.


Please feel free to contact support via email or ring our office if you have questions or need more help.

Contact us on +44(0)1226 294413

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