
Basket timeout Setting

In this guide, I will demonstrate how to change the basket timeout feature. This is a global setting that affects all events on the ticketing website.

While tickets are stored in a customer’s basket, they are removed from the ticket pool (Max session headcount) and cannot be sold to another customer.

The timer is used to empty the customer’s basket if they do not complete the transaction within the time set. This is done so as not to hold tickets indefinitely in a basket, thus preventing other customers from purchasing the tickets. Once the timer runs out, the held tickets are removed from the customer’s basket and returned back to the ticket pool.


Important Information:

It is indeed important to consider that your customers will have varying levels of IT knowledge and may book at different speeds. If the timer is set too low, it may cause difficulties for customers who are unable to complete their transaction before the timer empties their basket. By default, Merlin sets the timer at 30 minutes. However, you have the flexibility to change this setting at any time.


To change the basket timeout, first log in to the online admin area. Once you are on the dashboard, use the left-hand menu to select 'Config', then 'Change Theme'. This will open the Theme Settings window.



Next select the 'Global Settings' tab.



Here, you will find the timeout settings for the basket. As you can see, the ticketing site is currently set to 30 minutes. Just change the number to your requirements. Remember to click the Save Setting button to apply any changes.



Please feel free to contact support via email or ring our office if you have questions or need more help.

Contact us on +44(0)1226 294413

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